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Create a Telegram Bot to get current stock prices using Python
Easy method to create a telegram bot to get current price of any stock ticker
Today we will create a telegram bot that will fetch the current price of any ticker entered by the user. This is an straightforward tutorial meant to ease you into telegram bot development.
Bot Setup
To begin make sure you have a telegram account. Search for “@botfather” on telegram.
Start a conversation with this account and type /newbot to start the setup for the bot. Go through all of the steps and make sure to take note of your token!
Code Walkthrough
Now to the code. Firstly pip install the telegram API wrapper library we will use.
pip install pyTelegramBotAPI
Install yfinance if you have not already.
pip install yfinance
Now import yfinance, pandas and telebot.
import telebot
import yfinance as yf
import pandas as pd